Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Two New Workforce Grants Awarded to TPMA Clients

Speaking of grants, congratulations are in order to two TPMA clients for their recent success in securing two significant grants.

The United States Department of Labor’s Linking to Employment Activities Program recently awarded $500,000 to officials from the Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board of Norristown, PA.  TPMA worked with officials from the Board and their staff in developing the successful grant application. 

The state of Indiana will increase its focus on sector strategies after receiving a $4.875 million U.S. Dept. of Labor Sector Partnership Grant. 

The state will use the grant monies to develop innovative job training programs focused on regional and industry-specific collaborations.  The grant will build on the state’s “sector strategies” that align job-training programs to meet those needs of a local or regional labor market. The awards will connect workers who lost a job through no fault of their own and individuals struggling with long-term unemployment to a broad range of services, including on-the-job training; transitional jobs, pre-apprenticeships and Registered Apprenticeships; job search assistance; and career planning and job coaching.  We assisted the state of Indiana prepare and develop its grant application. 

It’s important to note that the Indiana grant complements the goals of a more integrated and comprehensive workforce development system envisioned by the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). In addition to expanding work-based learning, grantees must align services with other federal, state or local programs and agencies, such as Unemployment Insurance, Trade Adjustment Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, to improve the quality and efficiency of service delivery. Recent studies show work-based learning opportunities help get the unemployment back to work at good paying jobs.

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